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Download Setting Undangan Raffa 23

  1. Download Setting Undangan Raffa 23 2017
  2. Download Setting Undangan Raffa 23 Online

29 March 2018Rafa now Ralphs story “Hi my name was Raffa and now in my forever home as Ralph, I look like a Ralph don’t I? “ Ralph went to his new home on 26.3 17 and he settled in really well straight away see his pictures, he went to a home with another cat called Teddy so it’s the slow settling in period for the 2 cats to get to know each other, I will post his progress in a few weeks. “I want to say a great big thank you to everyone who donated to cover my vet bill, I am now healthy and happy I am going to have very safe future, this was not always the case, if it was not for the care and dedication of the volunteers at Atherton and Wigan Branch Cats Protection things would have been very different.



At Just over 2 years old I came into Cats Protection care late February when the last person to take me in soon realised I was not well, I struggled to jump, was sick a lot and had a very “stinky mouth” I was taken to the vets and it was agreed I needed very expensive dental and gum treatment and there were concerns about my health in general. The kind lady who had taken me in to keep me off the streets was not in position to pay my very expensive vet bills so she turned to Cats Protection for help. Of course Cats protection helped me and whisked me off to the vets as soon as possible I started life in an animal rescue (not cats protection). I was adopted at 8 months old and it turns out the owners could not cope with me, I’m not sure what they mean by that, I am adorable, my foster mummy said so, so I must be, my new mummy and daddy say I am lovely and are so happy to have adopted me and taken me home. I can’t remember how many homes I have had but I heard those “humans” talking saying “poor thing, that so sad, he just needs a forever home, he been passed about like a parcel.

Download Setting Undangan Raffa 23

Download Setting Undangan Raffa 23 2017

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I know now I am in my forever home and my humans love me When the vet saw me she was shocked at the condition of my mouth, she said “this is very unusual for a cat of his age, we think there is an underlying health issue” because of this they tried to stick me with needles to take blood for test, I said Hey get off me, so they had to make me sleep to get the blood which was sent off for tests, Phew, thanks good ness they did not send me off, Then they really made me sleep took load of my teeth out and scaled and polished my teeth, and cleaned my gums. Ouch my mouth hurt, I was on antibiotics and pain killers and resting with my foster mummy until I was better” By Ralph’s foster mummy Sue.