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Program De Scris Pentru Copii Inghetata

Having a secure retirement is an important pillar of strength for the middle class in America. Yet, it is unavailable to too many workers in our country. During Hispanic Heritage Month, we’re acutely aware of the particular challenges faced by middle class Latinos in the workforce. Not only do Latinos face wage disparities, they’re also less likely to have access to retirement savings plans.

Research shows that only about a third of Latino workers have access to a retirement plan through their employer, compared to more than half of African-American and white workers.For this reason, the Obama Administration has worked to expand access to retirement savings for everyone. We that will help more states create retirement programs for workers who don’t have access to a 401(k).

Such programs are just one more way to make it easier for more workers to save for retirement.It’s just as important to protect those hard-earned savings, and the Department of Labor has been active on that front as well. Earlier this year, we established new rules to ensure that the guidance you receive from a financial adviser about your retirement account is always in your best interest.As important as individual savings may be, almost no one can save enough for a decades-long retirement alone. This entire administration has pushed to strengthen Social Security so that it fulfills the promise made to today’s retirees and workers looking forward to a financially secure retirement. Social Security is incredibly important to America’s workers and retirees, particularly Latinos, who may not have other retirement savings.If you haven’t started saving, now is the time.

Whether this is your first day on the job, or you’re approaching retirement, putting something away now will mean breathing a little easier in the future. The Labor Department, our colleagues at the Social Security Administration, and our will keep working hard to strengthen existing programs and create new savings opportunities so that all workers can enjoy the dignified retirement they deserve. Hate to invoke reality and have you leave your information bubble, but it is not the executive branch that funds or authorizes social security. If you attended a middle school civics class you would have learned that Congress authorizes funds and expenditures and legislates the law and regulations. The guy (usually) that you send to Congress who was most recently a used car salesman who you want to cut government is the guy making things worse in your name.

If you believe in magical thinking that you can cut funds, close offices and lose staff through budget cuts while increasing service, you need to look in the mirror. You are the causing the problem and not the president you hate because of his race, imagined religion or imagined non-existent birth record or his non-existent involvement in Mau Mau or political party or lord knows what else you invent. As the late Senator Moynihan said: you are entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts. RIGHT ON, TOM!!! You hit the nail right on the head. It seems to me that more money is spent on people not willing to work and/or have too many children with a father not will to support them. The people starting retirement or in full retirement are not supported after a lifetime of paying into SSI.

As far as this administration doing something, not for me, “can’t get a cost of living” raise that follows the “real” cost of living increasing. Everyone has a choice, save, invest as you go through life, can’t afford to do that, adjust your life style.

First thought, way to many $700 smart phones, high cost of internet and 300 channels for your TV.Just food for thought. ILEANA MOTOC on October 6, 2016 at 2:50 pm said:Directive 2000/60 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 23 October 2000.establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policyTHE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article. 175 paragraph. 1thereof 1Having regard to the Economic and Social Committee 2Having consulted the Committee of the Regions 3Acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article. 251 4 and in the light of the joint text approved by the Conciliation Committee on 18 July 2000.,and Whereas, as follows:(1) Water is not a commercial product like any other but, rather, a heritage which must be protected, defended and treated as such.(2) The conclusions of the ministerial seminar that took place in 1988. In Frankfurt, the Community Water Policy highlighted the need for Community legislation covering ecological quality. The Council in its resolution of 28 June 1988.

5 asked the Commission to submit proposals to improve ecological quality in Community surface waters.(3) Declaration seminar Ministerial, which took place in 1991. In The Hague on groundwater, recognized the need for action to avoid long-term deterioration in the quality and quantity of freshwater and called for a program of action for implementation by 2000. Aimed at sustainable management and protection of freshwater resources. In its resolutions of 25 February 1992.

6 and of 20 February 1995. 7, the Council requested an action program for groundwater and a revision of Council Directive 80/68 / EEC of 17 December 1979. On the protection of groundwater against pollution caused by certain dangerous substances 8, as part of an overall policy on freshwater protection.(4) Waters in the Community are under increasing pressure from the continuous growth in demand for sufficient quantities of good quality water for all purposes. On 10 November 1995., The European Environment Agency in its report “Environment in the European Union – 1995” presented an updated state of the environment report, confirming the need for action to protect Community waters in terms of both quantity and quality.(5) On 18 December 1995. The Council adopted conclusions requiring, inter alia, to develop a new framework Directive establishing the basic principles of sustainable water policy in the European Union and inviting the Commission to submit proposals in this regard.(6) On 21 February 1996. The Commission adopted a Communication to the European Parliament and of the Council on European Community water policy setting out the principles for a Community water policy.(7) On 9 September 1996. Commission presented a proposal for a Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council on an action program for integrated protection and management of groundwater 9.


In that proposal the Commission stressed the need to establish procedures for the regulation of abstraction of freshwater and for the monitoring of the quality and quantity of freshwater.(8) On 29 May 1995. The Commission adopted a Communication to the European Parliament and of the Council on the wise use and conservation of wetlands, which recognized the important functions they perform for the protection of water resources.(9) It is necessary to develop an integrated Community policy on water.(10) The Council on 25 June 1996. The Committee of the Regions on 19 September 1996., Economic and Social Committee on 26 September 1996. And the European Parliament on 23 October 1996. Requested the Commission to submit a proposal for a Council Directive establishing a framework for European water policy.(11) As set out in Article. 174 of the Treaty, Community policy on the environment is to contribute to the fulfillment of the objectives of preserving, protecting and improving the quality of the environment through prudent and rational utilization of natural resources, and should be based on the precautionary principle and on the principles on which they are to be taken preventive action; priority should be given to environmental damage should be rectified at source and that the polluter should pay.(12) Pursuant to art.

174 of the Treaty, in preparing its policy on the environment, the Community should take account of available scientific and technical data, environmental conditions in the various regions of the Community, economic and social development of the Community as a whole and the balanced development of its regions, as well as the potential benefits and costs that may result from action or lack of action.(13) There are diverse conditions and needs in the Community which require different specific solutions. This diversity should be taken into account during the planning and execution of measures to ensure protection and sustainable use of water within the river basin. Decisions should be taken as close to the place where the water is exposed to the negative impact or use. I want to know these articles from the SSA are always about non-white people not getting a fair share and how SSA is always looking out for non-white people? This article is about Latinos and immigrants (notice there is no distinction between legal and illegal immigrants because it doesn’t matter to SSA). They need extra help because they don’t work for companies that have 401K plans.

Are you kidding me? Most people work for companies that don’t have retirement plans. If they are working for cash, under that table, they are happy to forego withholding taxes, including SS and Medicare.

Program De Scris Pentru Copii Inghetata

So are the employers. Latinos are willing to work for less money because they don’t pay taxes. As far as I can tell, most Latinos have jobs, as they are touted as being such industrious workers. Latinos and immigrants have plenty of organizations looking out for their well-being, as do African Americans. Must SSA, funded by ALL taxpayers, always focus their attention on the non-white population?

I have always worked and marched and written letters and voted and been caring and supportive of people less fortunate than me and people of color my whole long life – I am my sisters’ keeper. But your article worried me.

I can barely make it through the month this year with the price of everything going up so much, and we didn’t even get a SS raise. So when you say you will make sure Latinos will Get SS, I am worried. For one thing you didn’t say who you were talking about, citizens or illegals. How can you give money to people who haven’t paid into SS when you don’t have enough money in it to pay those of us who are on it now and contributed to it all our lives?

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The Headline as usual misrepresents the facts. This blog has become a propaganda tool. SS was never meant to be a secure retirement for all.

Program De Scris Pentru Copii Inghetata 2017

It was designed to supplement a person’s retirement income. Only those who have jobs with an income high enough can afford to save anything. Too many workers live from pay check to paycheck. Non whites with lower wages are the most affected. For Obama to correct this he would have to be concerned with creating sufficient jobs that would keep pace with Americans entering the job market. Instead he floods the country with immigrants who compete with Americans and drives down wages.

His open border policies further encourages illegals coming into this country putting a drain on our scarce resources and heading the country into bankruptcy. Once that happens no one “will get a check”. Scary thought, eh? I’ve been at my job for almost 41 years.Ihave had other jobs also.During my younger years, my Father and I both worked at the same plant.We both worked five days a week, my Father more sometimes six days a week.

Program De Scris Pentru Copii Inghetata En

He also worked more than eight hours a day. At any rate we both would go work in the fields on our days off to assist my Mother and siblings.No social security for farm workers and families.But I am thankful for a job though it drives me crazy at times.Forty one years let’s hope I get social security when I retire in about three more years.

Social Security has been successful in helping people stay out of poverty since 1937 and it’s unfortunate that its political death to adjust it for the current times where the number of contributors to retirement benefits takers ratio has changed. I agree with the earlier writer to remove the cap (118k) for contributing and I also think someone needs the guts to make a slight adjustment to the Benefit Rate Index to ensure it will be able to fund us when we retire. The people will be totally against any type of SSA increase, but it’s those same people that will need it to be adjusted to continue.